Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Second Attempt

Having my own space on the cyberworld where I can write my thoughts and share my experiences has always been one of my dreams. The idea of touching other peoples' lives through the internet puts my level of enthusiasm up a hundred times. And when that feeling of excitement gets to my nerves, all the wonderful ideas just continue popping to my head. Things that I'd like to talk about, stuffs I'd want to share.

That's why I decided a couple of weeks ago to start my own blog on Facebook. It was my first. And I had fun writing it though I know it was a little off. :D But for some reasons, my level of enthusiasm dropped and laziness creeped in. I just can't committ! I thought I was ready to show the world who am I and what am I made of. I was wrong.

But here I am again, staring on a bright monitor and pressing the tiny squares on the keyboard, trying to turn some thoughts into words. The feeling of excitement is running through my blood again. Thanks to a friend whose with pouring support and encouragement made me do this. ;)

Am I ready for this? I don't know. I'm not sure. But one thing's certain.



  1. congratulations to your second attempt.!
    this time tuloy tuloy na yan.!

  2. tama! ngeenjoy ako eh. hehe. thanks! :)
